Mike Mackey's Texas & St. Louis Model Railroad

HO/HOn3 Scale

Page Updated 06/27/2024

Mike Mackey's 39' x 19' Texas and St. Louis Railroad is an operational layout having many jobs to make the railroad come alive. Mike's layout is based on the history of the Texas and St. Louis (T&SL) which went into receivership in the late 1880's. The railroad emerged from bankruptcy re-branded as the St. Louis Southwestern Railroad. At one time it was the second longest narrow-gauge railroad in the United States. It stretched from East St. Louis, Missouri to Gatesville, Texas, all narrow gauge.

Mike's railroad models the premise that the government would not allow the railroad to abandon service on some narrow-gauge routes, and therefore, narrow gauge steam could be found into the diesel transition era in mid America and East Texas. Mike set the time of his layout as 1958. His motive power is primarily first-generation diesels with an "occasional steam engine" making an appearance. We use quotes in that last sentence because a look at Mike's layout photographs below brings into question the quantity meaning of "occasional steam".

The Texas and St. Louis layout currently allows for 8 operators plus a dispatcher. All trains run extra with the exception of passenger service. Construction on the layout began in March of 2019. Scenery is roughly 99% complete at this time. The trains are controlled by NCE DCC. The pike uses JMRI for dispatching and car inventory. Narrow Gauge is all steam with the exception of a gasoline engine powered Goose.

There is a standard gauge 10-track staging yard that represents Texarkana, St. Louis, Little Rock, Pine Bluff, and Memphis. In addition to the 10 track standard gauge staging, there is a 4 track narrow gauge staging yard which represents connections to the northwest cities of Floydada, Texas (connection to Frisco) and Sand City, New Mexico (connection to Purgatory & Devil River Railroad). Narrow gauge trains arrive in McCarthy Yard in McCarthy, or Vail Yard in Richardson. Standard gauge trains arrive and depart Tyler yard where they are broken down and reassembled for departure. For more information, see the Layout Plan page.

Mike's Texas & St. Louis has appeared in these national media publications:

    HOn3 Annual     2022   
    Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine     March 2023    
    Model Railroad Hobbyist's TrainMasters TV . . . .     April 2023
    NMRA Magazine     May 2023